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Author: 33canales
Audio from 33canales live at Telenoika – Pessics Electrònics, vol.3
Improvising and remixing live with our new material, adding melodic ornaments with the K¡ngK0rg synth!
33Canales en directo:
- Vate
- Minuit De Lacroix
- Luis Vélez
- Josep González
33canales Live @ Telenoika – Pessics Electrònics, vol.3 9-11-2013 by Vate on Mixcloud
Images from 33Canales live at Telenoika, 11/09/2013
Images from 33Canales live at Arco de la Virgen, 09/21/2013
Photos By Galo Tobías and Diana Espinosa